
What do we repair

Baisc knowledge about LED

The elements of LED display

Frequent damaged parts

How do we repair

What do we repair

LED technology advancements

Light Emitting Diode (LED) is an electronic component that actively emit visible or invisible lights when current passes it, since its invention in 1962, LED has become the dominant technology in lighting and displaying. Different from LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), which is a passive display technolgy, LED has gained more acceptance in display industry for its brightness, scalability, etc. Nowadays, the size of LED goes to micro meter level, which they call Micro LED, in the near future, LED direct view TV and monitor are to replace the LCD ones.

Frequent damaged parts

How do we repair

The Elements of LED display

  1. Power source

  2. LED arrays

What is good LED chips

A good make LED chip shall produce maximum light efficacy when input with the same amount of energy in terms of lumin per watt.

In display industry, there is another measurement, the consistancy or color conformity. There are millions of LED chips in one screen, any color discrepancy will result display distortion.

There are instruments to measure the LED chips, for consumers, we may just need to buy the proper LED brands from manufacturer, from our experience, there are tier 1 and tier 2 LED chip makers, consult us for details.

see here :

  1. driver chipsets

  2. sending and receiving cards

Typically in LED display industry, there is gold plated and copper plated chips. It refers to the frame or wires inside the chip, as its name says, gold or copper makes the wires.

The cost of gold is much higher than copper.

Gold plated LED chips are used in occasions that brightness is critical, like in the outdoor sunshine or indoor black screen.

True black LED