How to build a cylinder LED screen

LED screen at power off

LED screen before installing the display modules

A cylinder shape LED screen looks great, whether it's hang from the ceiling, stacked from floor or surroung a pillar.

A curved screen, whether its shape being cylinder, ring, spiral, sphere, etc. is composed of flexible modules,  unlike other regular screens, which are made up of rigid modules. Modules are display units that emit lights, and must be stationed on structures. 

The picture of a flex module

The design process begins as the  need analysis:

If the pixel pitch is 2 mm, the optimum distance to view  is 2mm  x 1000 = 2000 mm = 6.5 feet

A ribbon style screen

The structure to support the spiral ribbon

Especially for this type of spiral ribbon, there are more measurement items and design is complicated.

The strucutre is decided by the installation site, after the dimension is measured , we can begin building the structure.

Below  is an example we build a cylinder screen outside a round column in a shopping mall.

Lessons we've learnt:

Finalization of the screen

There will be some redundancy on the vertical side, the modules can't touch the ground for safety considerations.

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